I was a fit and healthy 49yo when diagnosed with MND in summer 2020.
It gatecrashed in to my life. Like all gatecrashers, MND was completely unwelcome, tried to take over the party and there seems little hope of it being kicked out.
My family and I have watched the progression of the condition in my arms and hands which already limits how I can function. Who knew buttons and zips could be such a challenge each day?
It took a while to realise that the party doesn't have to end because of the gatecrasher though. MND cant be ignored and it compromises some activities.
I know it will get worse. We all do. There is no known treatment to stop the deterioration. but life goes on. Who knows when last orders will be called?
But MND is not incurable. Research is simply underfunded.Progress has been made and I want to take steps to help this research continue to take the
strides necessary to reach the goal of a cure.
My legs still work pretty well so I've set myself the challenge of doing
up my laces each day and running ( or jogging) 7km for 7 days. If you
care spare a donation to make it more worthwhile, I'll be grateful.
Lets see if we cant get a bouncer to deal with the gatecrasher!
Thank you.
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